If Finders are Keepers then – I’m a Real Loser ……

I lose EVERYTHING.  I lose things while I’m in the process of looking for other things. The biggest and most regrettable thing I lost was my engagement ring from my first marriage. It was a beautiful ring and I know that it was picked out with love.  My most recent things Ive lost are a stack of important money saving receipts and my FitBit.  My FitBit is super important because it helps me keep track of my sleep.  The funny thing is  – I know it’s in my house and I distinctly remember taking it off while I was all dressed to go to a wedding two weeks ago.  0e5d74b185ad93d0dcf3e8e5cbd77b20.png

So, why do I keep losing things? What is the best way to keep track of my lost things? Apple® came up with Find My iPhone – which I swear I use on a daily basis.  Tile® is an amazing tool to find your keys, wallet, phone or even your child and it’s reasonably priced. Click N’ Dig® has the same premise and is even cheaper. But what about the rings? Fitbits? and receipts of the world?  I’ve been trying these tips to help me stay organized:

  •  I’ve tried putting things in a special designated area. I suppose I need to become more disciplined, because it always seems like it’s that one time I don’t do it – that I lose it. So, what’s a girl to do?  Maintain order – keep your designated areas clean and clutter free.  I’m a clutter bug – so this part is always a work in progress.  Make sure I ALWAYS use the same designated area and when I get too lazy remind myself how much I owe to Saint Anthony. 
  • I started using a bulletin board in the kitchen.  Even though it gets crowded quickly – it reminds me not to forget things that are due.  Bills, meal prep calendars, cleaners tickets, and doodles all make it up onto the board.  I like having everything in one place.  I’ve been keeping my calendar up there as well – and color coding it.  I feel like the less things I have to remember – the less inclined my crowded brain is to lose or forget something.
  •  I also know that mindfulness plays a big key in not losing things, too. Staying focused and in the moment – consciously aware of where you are placing something is key. It’s tough, but crucial. I know that there are times when I “focus” on doing something – knowing it is a fantastic place to put something.  Then when I come back to it – I realize i was neither truly focusing on it nor was it a fantastic place to put it. Working on my mindfulness skills is not only helpful with me keeping track of things but emotionally too. Staying in the present moment – is proven to lower stress and anxiety


  • As silly as this last one is going to seem – stop taking things off even when I think I’m going to remember it.  It’s as if the country song Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Joe Nichols was written about me.  I’ve lost my engagement ring to a wedding reception bathroom – because I took it off to lotion it. I’ve lost countless pairs of sunglasses because I’ve taken them off and placed them God only knows where.  I lost my fitbit when I was changing for a wedding.  Keeping organized and track of my things is important – but keeping them on my body is even more important.

Hopefully some of these tips can help you keep track of your things! What are some things you have lost? What tips do you have to keep track of your property? I’d love to hear from you!!!