Chicken Addiction

Let me start off with the very true statement = Chicken Math is 100% a real thing.  I always say to Nick, that to me, raising baby chickens seems like it might be like child birth – without the excruciating pain, of course. It seems like such an amazing idea to bring them home with their fuzzy bodies and their lil peepers – peep peep peeping. A few weeks pass, fuzz fades and THEN you want to jump off a bridge. They start getting bigger, and dirtier and smellier.  Of course, by the time you put them outside in the coop, you forget the smells and poop. And that’s why ….. you end up getting new babies- every …single…. year.


The love of my life – Birdie. She’s as sweet as she looks!

It’s a never ending cycle of love, annoyance, aggravation, and relief.



One of our new Buff Orpingtons- look at those teeny tiny tail feathers!


Prior to my new, fancy coop being built and much to the chagrin of my nostrils, I always kept my chicks in my dining room for about 2 – 3 months. Now, thankfully, we have a grow out pen: right in the coop. That makes it easier on the nose and the transition for the chicks.

Is it all worth it? Stinky smells and all? Absolutely.  Im sure any chicken owner would tell you the same thing:

Big Reg! King of the Farm.

All that hard work and stinky smells are a thing of the past the first time your have your very first fresh egg.

This year Nick built me a new run/coop where everyone can be safe and stretch out. We’ve also added 7 more pullets to the flock! Two Silver Spangled Hamburg’s, a Colombian Wyandotte, A Silver Laced Wyandotte, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Ancona and a White Conchin! What a crew!

Overall, chicken keeping continues to amaze and entertain me. The girls (and Reggie, of course) bring so much to our family. We have so many laughs – I couldn’t imagine my life without them.