This week I love: Halloween!

Halloween has always been one of my favorite time of the year. I have to admit that my dad was the one who made it extra special.  His love for Halloween and all things spooky meant he put A LOT into Halloween Festivities.

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My dad and I dressing up for Halloween in September

Every year – my parents would throw us a big Halloween party – complete with pumpkin painting, bobbing for apples, and pizza and cake.  But of course – for it to be a real Halloween party it had to have a “walk” through. My father would take the whole month of September to transform the woods behind my childhood home into a spooky forest! My mom would then tell us a ghost story and lead us into the woods for a tour.


The year I went as a Southern Belle (oi, what a costume 🙄)

Because we attended Catholic School – the day after Halloween – meant no school! All Saints Day !!  So naturally after the walk, we cozy up in our pajamas and watch a horror film.  It didn’t get much better than that!


Last year Harley went as a Cowardly Lion! He was not amused.

Halloween has always been a special day in my life.  Now – I celebrate it with spooky movies and costumes on my dogs.  But the thrill has never left.  It’s once a year that everyone gets to pretend they’re something else for a day.  It even lets you escape the monotonous  hum of the work day.  Everyone knows work is a tad better on Halloween! And …. who doesn’t like that?!

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Here is a pic of me in college – when Halloween was every day! (My dad was NOT a fan lol)

What are your favorite Holidays? Do you like Halloween the most of all?


Impromptu Snow Day

Lately, I’ve been back on writing my novel.  It’s a gigantic process in the making and I’ve been writing it for the past 9 years.  Most of the time – I don’t think I’ll ever finish, but every once in a while, I pick up my gigantic stack of research books, look at my old links online and begin to type a page or two.  As anyone who reads my blog knows, I’m anything other than structured when I write and I try not to force myself into doing something I truly enjoy.

However, with all the snow we’ve been getting in the Northeast lately – I’ve been having plenty of time to jot down some thoughts and get some inspiration, catch up on my shows, take care of my sick goat, set the house up for St. Patrick’s day, grade papers, and pay some bills . THANK YOU – SNOW DAYS!!

BUT it can’t all be about writing (though it should be) and chores. SO luckily – I’ve also had some time to take some adorable (albeit, he’s not that happy about it) pictures of Harley in the snow!!

Snow Day!

What about you? Have you been making the best of the wacky weather this winter? Or just wishing it was Spring already?